Divundu Potable Water Supply
60 m³/h potable water treatment plant for the settlement, surrounding rural areas and Bagani in the Divundu region of northern Namibia. Aquarius Consult cc was appointed as process consultant for the design, supervision and commissioning of the plant, and carried the process responsibility. The project was completed in 2015 and the plant is fully operational.
Helao Nafidi Sewage Treatment Plant
New sewage treatment plants of 3 Ml/day and 1.5 Ml/day in Oshikango and Ohangwena, respectively. Aquarius Consult cc was appointed as consultant for the design, supervision and handling of all procedures needed during and for the construction of these effluent treatment plants. The plant has been commissioned.
Aquarius Consult conducted the process design at Namibia Poultry Industries (NPI) which currently treats effluent from their abattoir in Windhoek with a biological effluent treatment plant incorporating trickling filter technology, followed by further treatment in a reverse osmosis (RO) plant. The RO permeate is then reused as potable and process water in the abattoir. These effluent treatment plants have been very successful in reducing NPI’s waste footprint, as well as reducing their potable water requirement from NamWater. Aquarius Consult is also currently busy with the design of a brine recovery system as NPI does not have sufficient evaporation pond capacity to evaporate the entire brine volume.
Aquarius Consult cc was appointed for the process design of containerised potable water treatment plants as part of the park management infrastructure at Khaudum and Sikeretti stations in Khaudum National Park and Shisinze station in Nkasa Lupala National Park for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.
Tsumeb Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade
Upgrade of existing 1.7 Ml/day Tsumeb municipality sewage treatment plant to 2.6 Ml/day. Based on Aquarius Consult cc’s specialised expertise and proven historical success in design and supervision of similar projects, the company was appointed as consultant. The project is currently in its refurbishment / construction phase.
uMkhomazi Water Project
1250 Ml/day water treatment works (WTW) in the uMlazi River valley, in the Baynesfield area, and a gravity pipeline from the WTW to the Umgeni Water bulk distribution reservoir system. Aquarius Consult cc was appointed as specialist consultant for the potable water treatment plant design. The conceptual design phase has been completed.
Aquarius consult cc was appointed to design a plant for properly treating the effluent generated at the treatment facilities and for recovering same and other waters to augment the existing potable water resources. This was done in three phases:
- Phase 1: Providing a new effluent treatment plant (ETP) based on Trickling Filter Technology for treating 20 m3/d of effluent produced to General Standard.
- Phase 2: Providing an additional treatment plant for treating 30 m3/d of Okapuka river water. Along with 20 m³/d of treated effluent from Phase 1, a total of 50 m3/d of final water will be produced.
- Phase 3: Providing a reverse osmosis (RO) plant for a feed of 50 m³/h to produce 42.5 m3/d of potable water (the balance, 7.5 m³/d is discarded as brine).
Aquarius Consult cc was appointed to assist with the process design of raw water from the Orange River to be treated to supply potable water to a community of approximately 41 327 people in Aussenkehr. Conventional treatment processes incorporating screening, pre-sedimentation, chemical addition, coagulation and flocculation, settling, filtration and disinfection were employed.
DWMPC Okavango and Chobe Monitoring
Supply and installation of remote automated water quality monitoring equipment within the Botswana component of the KAZA TFCA Project. Aquarius Consult cc was appointed to provide its consulting services to design, procure and supervise the installation of the water quality monitoring equipment. The project was commissioned in June 2016.